What is Cyber Ink?

Cyber Ink is personal details, photographs and messages – anything and everything that’s posted or sent electronically. It’s 100 percent public and can be highly persistent, no matter how many privacy settings you change.

Cyber Ink doesn’t go away. It can quickly move beyond your control and impact your future. The price can be high. It may even cost you a job or a relationship.

Electronic communications impact real people with real feelings. What may seem like silly fun now can have immediate, long-term, perhaps even harmful consequences.

So before you post or send, stop and ask yourself: Is this okay for everyone – family, friends, loved ones, professors, employers and colleagues – to see?

Take care of your reputation and your future. Just as in face-to-face communications, it’s always best to communicate with respect, civility, courtesy and kindness.

Cyber Ink is permanent.

Make it work »